The Swedish Aviation Industry Group

A membership provides great advantages for you as an employer. In addition to expert support in, among other things, labor law, dispute negotiations and work environment issues, the membership also means help with labor law processes. A membership includes:
- Free advice in labor law and collective agreement matters from our experienced labor law lawyers and negotiators.
- Cost-effective pension and insurance solutions.
- Negotiation assistance from our negotiators and labor law lawyers.
- Help with interpretation of collective agreements.
- Assistance in district court and labor court in disputes concerning the relationship between employer and employee.
- Counseling on work environment issues.
- A large range of courses in, for example, practical labor law, work environment, negotiation techniques and salary administration.
- Updated information about changes in labor law and work environment law via, among other things, the website, newsletters and company visits.
If your company has a affiliated collective agreementwith the Transport Workers' Union, a membership will give you a reduced fee to FORA and/or Collectum.
As a member, you also contribute to our work in influencing the transport industry's conditions. Through the the Swedish Confederation of Transport Enterprises, we act both in the public debate and as a referral body for investigations. And as a member of the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise we influence issues related to business climate, trade with the rest of the world and better conditions for enterprises across Sweden.